Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fence Sitters Part 2

Oh Come On Man:
A couple of entries ago I went on a little rant about fence sitters. It is one of my biggest pet peeves.  Just make up your mind. I won't take offense by your decision, I just want an answer that will stick. I have been working with a business for the last two days. They finally decided to run the insert the flier they have been planning on. So first they decided to go with one variation, 25 minutes later I get an email that they want to go with a different version. A hour later I get a phone call saying they want to change the amount of inserts they want to run. So I finally verify all the information and get the order in. Two hours later I got another call wanting to change the amount again. Fine, I get it changed and start finishing up what I need to before I head home. About a hour and a half later I get out to my car and I get a text saying they want to up the amount again, so I pull back up to the door and go in and change the order again so it is correct. I finally get home to have the rest of my night. I watch a few shows, have dinner, play with my little girl, and just overall relax.  Well at 9 pm I get a text.  I pull my phone out of my pocket and guess who and what?  Yep, they want to completely cancel the order and save if it for another month. I worked seriously all day to get the order correct because it gets sent off to the press tomorrow. So I will have to go in first thing in the morning to make sure it doesn't get printed. That on top of the fact that they think they can have the liberty to text me at 9 pm at home well after working hours kind of rubs me the wrong way. They almost deserve me letting the inserts printing anyway. I won't let that happen, but it would be karma in my book.  So it is a little bit of an understatement to say I'm a bit frustrated tonight.  Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes I guess.

Is That A Clue?:
So as I mentioned above I played with my little girl for awhile when I got home. My wife isn't feeling very good today, so she stayed up in bed while my girl and I played. She found a snake light I have for working in the garage and was walking around shining it at the ground. She would stop here and there and just stare then move on. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm looking for clues!"  I asked if I could join her and she graciously let me tag along. We walked around for a good 25 minutes finding new clues. The would vary from being footprints to hair. It was a lot of fun to listen to her tell me what we were finding. She thinks she is quite the detective. She even has us put our hands around our eyes like binoculars to see certain things that apparently can't be seen otherwise.

Video Of The Day:
Today's video is from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  These two together are really funny. There are a ton of skits they've done together and for whatever reason this is the one I chose to share. I love them all so don't stop there if you enjoyed it.


Falling Off The Fence:
Well I'm not sitting on the fence anymore. I've fallen off to one side. The side of the fence I'm on is telling me to go to sleep, so that is exactly what I'm going to do. Thanks again for everyone reading this. Do me a favor and share it if you like it. I need a few more questions for this coming Friday, so if you got them send them in.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do All Dogs Really Go To Heaven?

9 Hours Of Hell:
Well It has been a few days since I have posted anything. I had my brother's wedding festivities all weekend and by Sunday night I was completely brain dead. Suffice it to say that the weekend was good, extremely tiring, but good. Now to explain the header. It all started at about 11:30 last night. Like I said my weekend had already been extremely tiring. I decided that before I went to bed I would finish all the dishes in the sink so I didn't have to wake up to them.  After I finished that up I went up to bed while my wife finished watching a show. When I walked into my bedroom a stench wave hit me in the face.  It was extremely fowl and almost gut churning. So I searched out the source and found that my dog had puked all over inside her kennel. Lucky for me most of it made it onto a towel that was inside of the kennel. I gathered up the towel and put it in a grocery sack  because I was not going to even try to clean it up. I then sprayed the inside with a cleaner and wiped it out. I put the used paper towels in the grocery bag as well and tied it up to take it out to the garbage. As I was leaving the bedroom I looked down the hall that leads to the other bedrooms and saw something that took my frustration up another notch. My dog had pooped in the hall on the carpet. No my dog isn't like any normal dog, no, when she poops she has to walk in circles.  So it's not just in one pile, it is in a nice circular pattern for me. Oh, there is one more thing to add to this description - she had the runs. So the top part of the poop was runny, but the bottom had gotten stiff into the shag carpet.  That took me about a have hour to pick up and scrub the carpet. Finally about 12:30 I finished and crawled into bed. My wife followed shortly with our little girl. My little girl has had a few rough nights lately. She wakes up screaming because her legs hurt. My wife and I decided it is most likely because she is having growing pains. We do our best to comfort her and calm her down, but she was up crying every 30 to 45 minutes crying after we would get her to calm down and go back to sleep. That was taking about 20 minutes every time she would wake up. Needless to say I didn't get very much sleep by the time the alarm went off around 7. When it was time to get up I slowly rolled out of bed and made my way to my closet to grab stuff to take a shower. I don't turn the light on in the morning when I go into my closet because I know where everything is. I took two steps in and both had a squishing effect. My gut instantly dropped. I knew exactly what had just happened. I didn't lock the dog into her kennel before going to sleep. I reached over and turned on the light, and there laying in front of me was a circular pile, twice the size as the night before, of runny dog fecal matter. At this point I past frustration and rage, I've reached despair. I dropped to my knees and crawled to the toilet and got some toilet paper to wipe my feet off. After I cleaned my feet off I got my stuff to shower and went and took care of that. After the shower I put on the rubber gloves and cleaned up the mess. This one took me close to 40 minutes and 3 times of holding down puke. What a way to start my Monday huh? I'm so glad this day is over. On to better days. Last night and this morning made my root canal seem fun. On the plus side, Halloween is coming up soon and I'm excited to take my girl around trick-or-treating. 

7 Hours Of Peace?:
That's all I have for today. I did get a request for a topic, so I will go over it tomorrow. After telling that story I'm ready to pack it up and try and get some sleep tonight. Here's to hoping I will be able to sleep through the night tonight and that my day doesn't start by stepping in dog feces.  Once again I appreciate you taking time to read my blog. If you enjoyed it please do me a favor and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or anything you want. There are some share buttons on the top right of the page or just below this paragraph. Hope this makes your day go better than my Monday did. Check back in again tomorrow for a new entry.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Yes, We Can See You

Taking Out The Trash:
Today is the day that the garbage is collected in my neighborhood.  Like many others, I always forget to take it out until the morning when I go out and see all my neighbors have their garbage cans out on the street. While I was driving to work I saw a few people doing exactly what I do and that is dragging the can out to the street early. Well a ways down the street I saw out of the corner of my eye a purple mass.  I looked over and there was this lady wearing a purple moo moo. If you don't know what a moo moo is look at the picture. It is a not what I call a go out in public outfit. Now I understand she was just running out her garbage to the curb and I can let that slide. The funny part is that as I looked over at her she made eye contact with me and gave me a look that to me said: "How dare you look at me while I'm wearing this!" I'm not going to lie, it gave me a good chuckle and made the first part of the day go a lot better.

When Did I Arrive In The Deep South?:
Today while drive on a back road I was coming up on a slow driving truck. When I got close enough to the truck I started to pass it. As I started going around it I got to the point where you can just see the hands on the steering wheel and then I saw the funniest thing I had seen all day. That's saying a lot considering the first story of the day. The man was holding a full set of dentures just out the window airing them out. As I pulled up even with him, he looked over at me and gave me a big toothless grin. I almost had to pull over, I was laughing so hard I was tearing up. I half expected banjos to start playing and to see men sitting on porches drinking moonshine. Well I made it safely to where I was going, but it is needless to say it is an experience I will never forget.

Video Of The Day:
Today's video features two of my favorite YouTube products: The Overly Attached Girlfriend and Life According To Jimmy. There isn't a great way to explain the clip except that she is stalker-ish and he is the laid back no commitment type. Sit back and enjoy.


So tomorrow I may not have the opportunity to write because it is my brother's wedding. That being said, I would still like to see if anyone has any questions or thoughts for the mailbag piece. If I don't do it tomorrow I will be doing it on Sunday. I'm also thinking about making a few days a week specific days to cover one topic or subject. Let me know if you have any suggestions or something you would like to see. Thanks again for reading the blog and making it a success and fun for me.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Going Up?

No I Didn't Come Up With The List:
This isn't an original list that I came up with, I just found it the other day and thought it was pretty fun. If I lived in a place with more elevators I would definitely make it a point to try most of these out.  So without further adieu, Here are ten annoying things to do in an elevator:
1) Stand silent & motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off.
2) Greet everyone with a warm handshake and ask him or her to call you admiral.
3) MEOW occasionally.
4)Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce in horror: "You're one of them!" Then back            away slowly.
5) Say "DING" at each Floor.
6) Make explosion noises when someone presses a button.
7) Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and then announce to the others: "This is my personal space."
8) When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder then pretend it wasn't you.
9) Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pic it up, then yell: "That's mine!"
10) Call out a "group hug", then enforce it.

Wrecking Ball:

When Miley Cyrus licks a hammer, naked, it's art. When I do it, I'm wasted and have to leave the hardware store immediately. Where is the equality these days.

Did They Really Just Say That?:
Here is the new video of the day. It's done by a channel on youtube called BadLipReading. They have a ton of videos they voice over. I find a lot of them extremely funny. This one is my all time favorite. They have taken a whole bunch of clips from NFL games and done voice overs. Check it out and enjoy a laugh.


Brain Dead:
While I was getting the link for the above video I wondered off and watched a video that lead to a whole series of videos. So here I am an hour later writing again. I have laughed so hard I was in tears. I have nothing else to write tonight because I'm already drained. If you want to know the video series, shoot me an email and I'll let you know. I can't recommend them on my blog though. Some people may not find them as funny as I do. Well anyway, have a good one and I'll have more for you tomorrow. Don't forget to send in questions for the Friday Mailbag. Thanks again for reading.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Make Up Your Mind

I Hope Sitting On That Fence Hurts:
After several years of working in customer and sales, there is one thing that bothers me more than any other. It drives me crazy when people can't decide what they want or if they want to do it. But my number one pet peeve is when someone leads you on like there is a 75% chance or better they will go ahead an do something when they really don't plan on doing it at all. It's like they think they will hurt your feelings if they just come right out and say no. It is even worse when you go ahead and plan as if they are going to do it then they back out of it at the last minute. It throws off your entire plan and leaves you scrambling for something else to take its place. I hope you get splinters.

More Potty Training Woes:
Sometimes my daughter does really well at telling us she has to go to the bathroom, and other times not so much. That being said we are still making progress with her. Today my wife started her out in panties in the morning after she woke up. Sadly she wet in them so my wife stuck a diaper on her. Not 15 minutes after she had the diaper on she told my wife she needed to go potty.  My wife dutifully took her to the bathroom and she actually did go. Well later in the day she still had the diaper on and we weren't at home and she said she had to go potty. Well unfortunately we didn't have access to a bathroom for her so we don't she could go in her diaper but thank you for telling us. She told us she couldn't go in her diaper. I asked her why she couldn't go in her diaper because she had no problem going in her panties? She just kind of shrugged her shoulders and said "Because I can't." Hard to argue that logic.

I'm Spent:
Well I'm out of it for the night. Thanks for taking a look. Feel free to share it with your friends if you liked it and let me know what bothers you most about people not making up their minds. Check back tomorrow for a new video of the day, possible a song review, best things to do in an elevator, and any random thing I deem worthy of spewing out. Have a good one!

Monday, October 21, 2013

I'm Back!!!!

Hello there readers. Sorry about the absence of writing. Starting Friday night all the way through Sunday night has been crazy! By the end of the day each day my brain has been mush and I've been so tired I haven't felt like I needed to write down anything to be able to fall asleep at night. That being said, there is lots that happened that I want to write down. So I'm going to try and recap it the best I can. I'm also going to answer the few questions I had sent it for the mailbag.

The first question was if my daughter had been introduced to Veggietales. No she hasn't yet, but I think it may be time. I'm done watching Diego and Dora. They have a their time, but that time is not all the time. It's time for a new show for my sanity.

The second question was whether God or the Bogeyman was bigger. So I went and looked up the Bogeyman on Wikipedia to get a history about It. If you're interested to read for yourself, here is the link:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogeyman. What I found out is that the story and lore of the Bogeyman is different in every culture and can even vary from community to community. Sometimes it is a physical personage and others it is an evil spirit. The best I can come up with for the biggest size was kind of like a Bigfoot creature.  As far as God is concerned, in Christian religions it is taught that man was made in His image. However it is also taught that He can be everywhere at once. If He can be everywhere at once, I would say that would make Him bigger than anything. So my conclusion is that God is indeed bigger. Now the question I really think was being asked, is God bigger in world culture than the Bogeyman? Yes, All religions believe in a higher power of some sort. Though, the Bogeyman could be interpreted as the Devil. If that is how you interpret the Bogeyman, then they go hand in had and they are a far spread as each other.

Saturday was a great day. I wrote on Thursday that I had gotten free tickets to the local amusement park. We decided to use them on Saturday.  We got up and got going around 11 in the morning.  We stopped on the way down to grab some lunch. While we were at the sandwich shop my daughter decided she had to go to the bathroom so my wife took her. When she came out she yelled: "Daddy, I went pee in the toilet!" It was awesome. It was pretty busy when we were in there and it got a good laugh from everyone. Then we got back on the road and went to the park.  For the most part my girl loved it. There were a few rides she wasn't a fan of. She like the teacups until I got our cup spinning to fast. When that happened she grabbed my hand and made me hold her around her waist. She loved the train ride that goes through the zoo they have there. We also had our friend Chelsea meet up with us at the park. Cora is a big fan of her and really gets excited to see her because she lives about an hour and a half away now, so Cora liked being able to play with her for a little bit too. By 8:30 we were pretty worn out so we headed for the car. We stopped on the way back for dinner, so we didn't get home until about 11 pm.  At that point my head was mush and I still had to put a lesson together for church the next day. I tried my best to work on it but I didn't get much done until the next morning. Here are some pictures from the park for your enjoyment.

As I mentioned above, I had to give a lesson at church. I basically had just read over it the night before and didn't really come up with any ideas of how to teach it. You may say it was my fault for not working on it earlier. If I had been given the material for the lesson earlier I would have to agree with you, but I didn't even know what the lesson was until I received a text about it at 6 pm Saturday while we were at the park. I'm not placing the blame, and I'm not mad, I just feel bad for the class because it was a really bad lesson. Next month I will be a lot more prepared and on the ball. Although I must say I was hoping it was bad enough they wouldn't ask me to teach again. No such luck sadly.  After church we came home. I started cleaning up the house while having football on. Anna had to take a test online so she locked herself up in the office. Cora was content to watch her cartoons on another TV in the house. So Sunday afternoon was good, well all except I got slaughtered in my fantasy football game. It was just ridiculous. I had guys go down with injuries and completely under perform. That's the beauty of the game though, it's so unpredictable it makes it fun. You can put the best team out there and still get crushed. It's all luck of the draw. Aside from the terrible lesson and loss in fantasy football the day was great. The 49ers won there game, oh and I forgot to mention that the USU football team won on Saturday so that was good too. By the time I was done cleaning and mourning my loss, I was to tired to write anything so I just went to bed.

Honestly not a lot of note happened today. Just a normal Monday. The highlight of the day is that me and my co-worker went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. One of the women that I work with works with CAPSA and today if you ate at BWW then 10% of your bill went to CAPSA, hence the reason we went. I'll be honest though, I look for any excuse to go there. I love buffalo wings. They are one of my all time favorites. Other than that I came home after work and went on a 3 mile run. Man am I out of shape. It's been awhile since I have gone running. Even though it wore me out, it felt good after it was over. It definitely gave me the desire to keep going. I always feel better when I exercise at the end of the day.

Heavy Eyelids:
Well my eyes are closing on me so I'm gonna finish this up. Thanks again for reading and thanks for the emailed questions. If I didn't answer your question today, I will save it for this Friday. If you have any questions or thoughts you want me to write about, send it to me via the contact form on the right side of the page. Enter Sandman.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

It's A Wonderful Day In The Neighborhood:
At work one of my co-workers is essentially a jukebox of quotes from different TV shows, movies, and songs. Every morning we get different sounds and one liners out of him. I'm not gonna lie, It's pretty awesome. We tell him it's like the orchestra warming up before the show. Before he leaves the office every morning to go and visit his clients he always leaves us with one of a few quotes. The main two are: "Have a great day because it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood" and "Keep on smiling gang". To which most of us are still half asleep and give either the head nod or moan our approval.

 A Worthy Cause:
 I'm not going to say a lot about this because I think the description on the page does an excellent job of explaining the situation. This is my nephew Henry and He is an amazing kid. Go give this a read and anything at all is very appreciated. Thanks for checking it out in advance.


Center Of Attention:
Do you ever have those days where everyone just seems to keep coming to your house, and it never seems to be just one or two at a time? No they all come at once. Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing at all, it is just funny to me how it happens. Tonight at one point we had 6 extra people at our house and it gets complicated trying to be a good host to everyone when no one was really expected more than 5 to 10 minutes in advance and some just show up completely random. It was fun though, we got to catch up with a few people and just have a chat with some people that we normally don't just talk to have a talk. It just seems like a mad house sometimes.

Video Of the Day:
I enjoyed the literal translation of the music video the other night here is another one just for fun. This one does get a little long but still pretty funny. Enjoy!


Keep On Smiling Gang:
Well that wraps up another day. Not a whole lot going on tonight. I suppose that is mostly because it was a pretty uneventful day. Remember to send me your questions or thoughts tonight and throughout the day tomorrow for the first edition of my mailbag piece tomorrow. Thanks again for reading and remember to hit the share link on the page. Try the veil.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Great Debate

Will That Be An Arm Or A Leg?:
So a few of the woman that are in the front office of my work decided to have a survey today. I'm not really sure how the subject came up or why it was important, but that isn't the point.  The question/survey was this: "Would you rather lose one arm or one leg?"  I thought for sure we would have a consensus one one but I was wrong. Though there was a large majority that voted the way I thought they would, there were a few that went against the grain. My vote was for losing a leg. There were 4 I believe that said they would rather lose an arm. My thought on it, and everyone that voted the same as I did, is this: If you are missing a leg you can get a prosthetic leg and you can almost do anything you can with a leg. You can walk, run, play sports, go hiking, hunt, and you can hide it if you want.  If you had to get a prosthetic arm, it can't really function like a real hand. There is currently nothing out there that has the dexterity and overall functionality of a real hand. To me there not a real valid argument when it comes to a choice. That being said this isn't suppose to be derogatory or rude to anyone in any way, shape, or form. This was just an observation. I know people in both situations and they are incredible people that have and do accomplish more than I do. That being said I would love to have you weigh in with 1 reason for your argument.

I Like Short Weeks:
So the bad news is that today felt like Monday. The good news is that it is actually Wednesday for me and I only have two more days of work before the weekend. So even though the reason for taking off the day yesterday wasn't the greatest, it set me up for a good rest of the week. I am also lucky enough to have awesome co-workers. A few months ago I won a ticket to our local-ish amusement park. Well we are wanting to use it before the park closes for the season, but to buy another two tickets was going to be to expensive for me to justify. Well I was talking about it at work and my co-worker said her whole family was going to go down, but her and her daughter decided they didn't want to go and offered me her to extra tickets. I'm extremely grateful and happy that we will be able to enjoy it now. So thank you in a way to my root canal and a big thank you to my co-worker.

Video Of The Day:
Oh so close. She knew what it was but just couldn't spit it our right. You would think a college student would get it right without even having to hear the answers. It should be a staple of the weekend diet. Well enjoy it!


Closing Argument:
Well I just have a few closing thoughts. Up to this point I really have only received two questions (one of which I have already answered with a video posted on the blog) and the other that I have no way to know the answer to yet. I have also received a suggested topic. I am going to need more questions and thoughts in my mailbox for Friday's piece, so if you have anything send it to me using the contact form on the right side of the page.  Thanks again for reading through this, now go ahead and share it so others can lose brain cells at my expense.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I Survived..... Mostly

It's Done, Kind Of:
Well you can judge by the fact that I'm writing this that I survived my root canal. I wish I could say that it is over. When I got there the Dr said he wanted to do it in two sessions. He does the two, smaller, front canals on the first visit, then he does the larger back canal on the second visit. Overall it wasn't terrible. I only felt a few sharp pains. I'm hoping the larger canal goes as smoothly. The next appointment is at the end of the month so I will let you all know how it goes.

I Can See It:
So whenever I'm driving with my little girl in the car and we round the corner and start heading toward our house she says: "I can see it!" Every time I ask what she sees. She tells me she sees the house. I can't remember where or how it started, but one time she told me the house was pink and purple. Now every time she tells me she can see the house I ask her what color it is. Today just such an occasion arrived. Upon asking her what color the house was she pondered it for a second the said: "Um.... It's black."  I said "Yes it does have a black roof with tan siding." She then responds to that by saying "That sounds like that it is beautiful." Beautiful wasn't the term I would use, but from a two year old, I will accept that stamp of approval.

Yes, She Said That:
I just wanted to share another two quotes from my daughter today. The first is we had to do some grocery shopping tonight and when we were leaving she was whining for a treat. We decided to offer her an ice cream cone if she would be good for the rest of the time. So we ran through the drive through on the way home and as I handed back the ice cream she says: "Okay, here I go." She then proceeded to dive head first into it.  Then as we were getting her laid down, we put a movie on for her. We just played what was already in and that happens to be "Despicable Me". I have watched that particular movie about 5 times in the last week so I decided to ask her if we could watch another movie. She made it clear she wasn't interested in changing. I figured if I offered her some other options she would change her mind. As I rattled options she kept dismissing them and finally said: "I want to watch Mr Gru dad!" That was the end of that discussion and that's what we watched.

Video Of The Day:
Just a random video today. I love these videos.  They make me laugh because when you really watch a video for the video they usually make no sense. So sit back and enjoy.


Time For Sleep:
Well since I took the day off because of the root canal I didn't have to much going on. I've started to get some messages and feed back either on the comments or through the email contact. I just wanted to thank you all again for reading and interacting.  I will cover something I was asked about tomorrow. It probably won't be what the reader wanted but it's what they're getting. Thanks again and if you enjoyed it please share it with others.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Impending Doom

Reeder's Digest:
I can't believe I missed something so obvious. I mean how much more can it be served up on a plate. A bunch of random stories and thoughts all in one place. I should have called my blog "Reeder's Digest." I can't even take credit it for it now, my buddy came up with it. He did have an advantage though. He came up with it while at the place where all the great ideas come from. He was sitting on the toilet.  I just wanted to give him the recognition he deserves. In case you are reading this, "Good for you"!

C'Mon Man:
So just a little rant.  I can't stand that all debit card readers are different. The accept/ok button and the cancel/no button on the touch screens are always on different sides depending on what store you are at. Then even worse is they can change on the same reader during one transactions. For example, today I was at a large electronics retailer purchasing some movies. When I went to buy them the first accept was on the right, the second accept was on the left, then the third accept was back on the right again. Let's make it uniform people. You are driving me crazy. I mean seriously, C'Mon man!

I Won, I Won:
Just as I'm writing this I have officially won my fantasy football game this week. It was the closest game I've had since losing in week one. Coming into Monday nights game I was only up 3 points. I had a quarterback to play and he had a wide receiver. I thought it should be a pretty easy win because the quarterback I was playing had been scoring between 24 and 30 points every week and his receivers best week has been 16 points but his average is about 8. Well my quarterback only scored 17 so he had a chance, luckily his receiver only scored 8 and I won 112 - 101. I'm now first place in my division and tied for first in the league with a record of 5-1. Yay for me.

Video Of The Day:
No introduction is needed. This is just pure, clean fun. Enjoy the interview with a 1 year old.


Last Requests:
Tomorrow is the day, my root canal is here. I'm not excited at all. I am excited for the constant dull ache to be gone, but I wish there was an alternative to a root canal that would allow me to keep the tooth. Alas, there is no other way. My last request is that if I do not pull through this procedure that these few blog entries be compiled into a small book and sold as bathroom literature.  Farewell my friends, I hope to write tomorrow.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Reader Fail!!!

Stamp Of Failure:
I'm sad to say that I only received three votes as to who was guilty of eating my doughnut. One voted that both were to blame. One voted it was my wife based on the teeth marks. The last voter (also my wife) once again voted that it was the baby. So I have to throw her vote out making it two votes for my wife and one vote for my kid. Looks like the blame goes to my wife. To all of you who read the blog first I would like to say thanks for reading, but those of you who read and didn't vote I have to give you this stamp. I do it in the most appreciative, loving way possible though.

Sad World:
So I hate even writing about this, and I'm sure some of you have already heard about it, but a kid of an NFL star, Adrian Peterson, passed away earlier today. The child was two years old and was assaulted by his EX's new boyfriend. It was really sad to hear and hit close to home since I have a two year old.  I can't imagine losing my little girl. My family and I are sending our thoughts and prayers to him and his family as they grieve. I feel truly blessed, that after all my girl went through when she first came into this world, she has a completely clean bill of health and is full of energy and life. Sometimes it seems like it can be to much energy, but I wouldn't trade it or her for the world.

Another Minor Change:
I've decided to change one thing about my blog. I'm only going to write one entry for the weekend. I'll post an entry at the end of Sunday night recapping the weekend. So We will have posts 6 days a week instead of 7. Saturday and Sunday combined should make for a good entry. However I won't rule out the possibility that I may still write an entry if my head is spinning with stuff I need to get out.

Bird Brain Dog:
As our dog is getting older, she is becoming more and more of a burden on us. My wife had the dog before we got married so I inherited the dog along with her when I said I do. Well anyway, she is becoming more like a bird than a dog as she ages. When I say she acts like a bird, I mean it in the sense that she just goes to the bathroom wherever and whenever she wants to.  It's to the point we are at the end of the rope and don't know what to do with her. If any of you have any ideas please let me know. We are a bit desperate and unless she fully turns into a duck or quail there won't be an open hunting season on her.

Video Of The Day:
This video really needs no introduction. I just think it's really funny. I think applies to more than just hats too. It's human nature, we are always trying to one up one another. Enjoy it.


Final Scene:
Thanks again for sticking it out and making it to the end. I just wanted to remind everyone that I will be doing a mailbag segment next Friday. So if you have any questions you would like me to answer about anything, and I mean literally anything, send them to me by using the contact form found on the right side of the blog underneath blog archive list. If you don't have a question, but have something rolling around your mind you just want to put out there either with your name or anonymous, send that to me too and I'll put it up and add my thoughts to it as well. That's all for tonight and this has been my curtain call. Adieu.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blame It On The Baby

I Saw That:
My wife's grandma (obviously my grandma now as well) flew into town today from Phoenix. We are having a family get together this Sunday for my sister-in-law's new baby. My wife decided to go out to her mom's house to visit her tonight because that is where she is staying while she is here. My sister-in-law picked her up from the airport and on the way back picked up some Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  I called my wife to see when she was coming home. By the time she called me back she was on her way already. She told me that she was bringing me a doughnut home but she wasn't sure it would make it because our daughter insisted she hold it on the way home. Now normally getting a doughnut wouldn't be a big deal, but the closest Krispy Kreme shop is about a hour away. That being said we don't get to have them very often. Well when my wife pulled into the driveway I went outside to help her bring in the kid. When I walked out the door I caught her taking a bite out of the my doughnut why she was still sitting in the car. When she saw me she hurriedly tried to hide the delicious pastry, but it was to late. The damage had been done. When I got the fried delight into my hands it was already halfway gone. She swears it was the little girl, but I'm not sure I totally believe that. I'm calling for a vote. Post in the comments if you think it was the wife or the two year old.

You Better Not:
When I say you I'm talking to my body. I think I may be coming down with something. Last night I started have stomach pains that lasted all through today and I am still having them. Then today I started getting some nasty headaches. I just thought maybe I ate something that had some sort of personal vendetta against me, but today I found out that some of the people at work had been getting some sort of a stomach bug. I'm just hoping I don't catch it. The last thing I need this weekend is to be laid up sick. I guess I'll take solace in that we have all been in close quarters with everyone at work this week so if its some kind of stomach bug we will all be going down together.

Video Of The Day:
This is why cars are meant to be ridden inside of, not jumped over. Don't try this at home. If you do don't film it. If you do film it, share it with me because I will enjoy watching you fail. But seriously don't attempt this. I won't be help liable.


The End Is At Hand:
Well this is the end for today. Now those of you still reading, and those of you who made it this far in yesterdays blog may remember I said I was going to introduce a new feature. Well I've decided to do a mailbag Friday. It's first appearance until next Friday, but I will start taking emails after this blog is posted. They can be any questions or random thoughts you would like put out there. It can be any question ranging from the practical to the crazy. If you have any random thoughts rolling around you want out there send them in and I'll put them up and expound. Just to the right of this section you will find the contact form. You can leave your name, email, and send me a message. I'm hoping to get at least 3 or 4 emails for next Friday's blog. Hope you've enjoyed tonight's entry. If you have, do me a favor and share. No go forth and find Waldo.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quail Man Returns

Dear Journal:
It's me Doug. So I was scrolling through amazon kids to find something for my daughter to watch other than Dora or Diego. I found one of my favorite cartoons from my childhood, Doug. So I will be the first to admit that I was probably more enthralled by it than by my kid. I just realized how much Mrs. Dink despised her husband, Mr. Dink. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't a kids cartoon she would have been an alcoholic.

Movie Night:
So to pass the night away I went to Redbox and rented a movie. I rented After Earth. It's the latest from Will Smith and also stars his son, Jaden Smith.  We thought about going and seeing it in the theater, but for whatever reason we didn't end up going. I have to say I'm glad we didn't spend the money for the theater. I'm not saying it was terrible, but I don't think it would've been worth the $25 expense. I'm glad I saw it but it won't be something I will be buying anytime soon.  I would recommend renting it before you buy it if you haven't seen it yet.

Choosing Sides:
So my little girl has as habit of talking in her sleep recently.  Well last night she started giggling and mumbling in her sleep. She even gave out loud, high pitched laugh. So I went to move her and she outright says to me: "I don't want to be on your team daddy." She was dead asleep when she said it. I started laughing so hard I almost dropped her. That little girl never ceases to make me laugh and she can always melt my heart.

Video Of The Day:
Today's video comes by recommendation from my wife. We were shown this video while in Australia. I was really hoping we would see a Huntsman spider while we were there because my wife is petrified of spiders. Unfortunately it was winter and they weren't out.  One of the families we were staying with showed us this video so she could see how big they get, plus it provided a good laugh. If you get squeamish with spider videos this one may not be for you, but if you enjoy grown men falling off ladders then it's for you. Here is the link for it on Youtube:


Sleep With One Eye Open:
This is exactly what I'm doing right now. I'm pretty sure I'm not totally awake right now, so I better wrap this up. Check in tomorrow and see the new, once a week feature I'm going to be adding. It will require all my readers help though. If you enjoy reading these would you do me a favor share it with the share it on Facebook or Twitter buttons at the top of the page. Until next time, make sure you choose your team wisely.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Two Mondays

Someone Has A Case Of The Moondays:
Just to clarify right off the bat, I am aware that I spelled "Monday" incorrectly. It is a movie reference and if you know it then you know how I feel today. I hate when your Tuesday feels like a second Monday. Almost everything seemed to be going in the opposite direction of what I wanted. That's not to say that there weren't a few good things today, but overall I'm glad this day is over.

The New Hair Gel:
So when I got home from work today I found my daughter with a brand new hair style.  I asked my wife what she had in her hair and got the not so comforting reply: "You don't want to know."  I got in closer to take a look and realized that it was sticky.  I asked if it was glue and I got the answer I didn't want to hear, the head nod yes. Unfortunately she had little hair bands in her hair that were now glued in.  We had to cut them out before she could take a bath. In the end it was pretty funny and a great story to show some of her first suitors that will call on her when she is older.  I've included a picture for your enjoyment.

Video Of The Day:

I love me some Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That scene and the one with the Black Knight have to be my favorite two scenes. 

Song Review:

This was the song randomly played for me tonight. This isn't the first time I've listened to this song & it won't be the last. I like this song enough that it is on my running playlist. It really gives me a pick me up and a shot of energy when it plays. Some people may not be a fan of the distorted sound of it but it is something I enjoy. It works with the entirety of the song. These guys aren't one hit wonders either, their entire album is strong. I would recommend anyone to give them a listen and especially anyone who likes alternative music but doesn't want anything to out there. Now I will admit the video for the song is a little out there, but I guess it will be excused because the song itself is pretty entertaining. Here is the link for it on YouTube if you are interested:

New Pants:
I picked up a pair of Nike golfing slacks today for $20. Normally they are $70 so I thought I would give them a shot. It didn't occur to me until I got home that they may make the sound of a jogging suit makes when the legs brush against each other. They are made of a water resistant material that moves and stretches with you. They are pretty cool slacks in that respect but if they make that sound I won't be able to wear them because they will drive me insane. I will report back on them after I wear them and see if I have to burn them.  But when I read that they "stretch" it reminded me of this clip of Jack Black in the movie: Nacho Libre. Enjoy it.

The End Is In Sight:
Finally Tuesday is coming to an end. At noon tomorrow I'll have made it halfway through my work week. Then starting Thursday night there is football every night and during the day on Saturday and Sunday.  It is capped off with Monday Night Football. So after tomorrow night it is all down hill for me. Well for all of us (AKA just me) here at itmakessensetome.blogspot.com have a wonderful night and and a great hump day.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Why So Serious?

Back To My Regular Schedule:
Well between the emergency dental work, the family party, and the late night football, I was really thrown off my normal schedule this weekend. So starting tonight I'm back on my normal schedule of writing at the end of the day.

Twister Can Be Awkward:
So at the family party we played a bunch of different games. The reason for all the games is to win tickets. At the end of the games we get to turn in the tickets to pick from a prize table. It's all in good fun and there is never a bad prize.  This year the games were limbo, toy crossbow shooting, a ball toss on a beanbag board, twister, and a game where you have a tennis ball in the bottom of some pantie hose. Once the ball is in the bottom, you put the hose on top of your head and spin it around and try and catch the other persons tennis ball. Once they get wrapped around each other you try and pull the hose off the other persons head. You know what, just watch the video. It will be easier to understand then. Here is the link:

Here is a picture of one of the best moments from twister:

I'm the one in the black shirt. I'm not sure which was more awkward, his head up my butt, or my butt on his head. Sadly I didn't win this event.  I did win the overall ticket count however. Good times were had by all. 

Toppling Giants:
I wanted to announce to everyone that I took down the only undefeated team in my fantasy league as of this evening. I will admit that her best running back wasn't playing this week so that helped.  A victory is a victory though. Now there are 3 teams at 4-1, and I have a chance to beat her again later in the season. That first loss always helps break the ice and set them up for further losses.  Add that to the fact that my 49ers won big and it was a pretty good sports weekend. 

Take A Bath Stinky:
So earlier my wife was complaining about how the entire house smelled like pee. Our old dog has decided that most of our house is her personal toilet if we don't let her out in a timely manner.  When she does go we clean it up pretty quickly. So I walked around the house and couldn't smell it anywhere but right next to my wife. Well our little dog follows my wife around everywhere she goes. Turns out the dog smelled like her own urine. Therefore, everywhere my wife went it smelled like pee because the dog followed her around. So I took the dog up and put it in the shower. You can call me mean, but I love chasing the dog with the shower because she hates it so much.  She just looks so pathetic when she is wet.  

Up To The Minute Update:
My two year old is currently throwing a spectacular fit because she was told that she couldn't sit on her mom because it was hurting her. Then as soon as my wife picked her up and held her with her blanket she immediately stops screaming and sucks her thumb. You have to love the mood swings of two year old.

The Final Stretch:
My head is pounding and I'm out of stories for the night. I'm calling the video of the day the one above of the game. My song review is this: 

Artist: YLVIS

Only listen to this song if you are either delirious, high, up past 2 am, or a combination or variation of all of them.  Again I leave you with this warning, you will most likely lose brain cells watching this video. If you don't have many to lose I can't recommend watching it. Other than that enjoy it. Don't expect anything meaningful or even relevant to come out of it though. Remember, life is to short to take to serious. Here is the link, enjoy!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Morning

Oh The Failure Of It All:
Well I did it. I finally missed a day. So to make up for it I will write two posts today.  This first entry is going to be just a straight brain drain from yesterday and then tonight I will get back to the video of the day and the song review. So sit back, relax, and make sure you have nothing better to do than read this before starting.

Emergency Open Tooth Surgery:
This is an update from the toothache of Friday night.  After I finished up writing Friday night I went to bed. That's about all I did though. I went to my bed. I didn't sleep almost at all. I may have gotten a total of 3 hours. I was rotating Tylenol and IB's all night just so I wasn't doubled over. So Saturday morning I was talking to my wife about how bad it hurt and she said that I should call my dentist's office just to see if he had an emergency number. Turns out he had his home number listed on his answering machine at work. So I decided to call him at home. I figured the best case scenario is that He would prescribe me some pain pills to make it through the weekend until I could get in to see him on Monday. He asked a few questions and then said: "What is your cell number? I'm going to try and get a dental assistant to come in so we can open it up and treat it." Needless to say I was extremely grateful for the offer. I gave him my number and waited. About 15 minutes later he gave me a call and asked if I could come in right then. I told him I was on my way. I am very grateful that He and his assistant were willing to be away from their families on Saturday morning to help me out. After just over a hour of working on the tooth they sealed it up and the dentist said he would contact me Monday about scheduling a root canal. I've got to say I never thought I would be grateful to get a root canal. I just can't wait for the tooth to stop hurting at this point though.  He also gave me two prescriptions.  One to prevent infection and one to stop the pain. Needless to say my Saturday night was fun all loopy on pain killers.

Until Next Time:
Well that wraps up last night/ this mornings blog entry. Watch for tonight's entry that will contain events from my family's Halloween party. Yes I know it is early, but it is the only time we could all get together. Also a wrap up of how the 49ers and my fantasy team did. Remember, I'll be watching you....

Friday, October 4, 2013

Getting On My Nerves

Oh The Pain:
Tonight will be short and sweet.  When I say short I mean shorter than usual. About a month or so ago I was getting some dental work done when I was told the worst news you can be told by a dentist: "You are going to need a root canal."  I had to put it off for a month until my insurance period restarted. Well since then I hadn't had any pain in that tooth at all so I was hoping I got off easy. No such luck. The last day and a half that tooth and the gums underneath it have progressively gotten more painful and tender. I want to scream, but I'm afraid that would hurt worse. So I am sitting here with a frozen bag of corn resting against my jaw.

What's Your Problem:
This is the exact question my daughter was running around asking my wife and I tonight, "What's your problem".  At first we couldn't figure out why she was asking. Then it occurred to us, she was playing doctor. So when she asked me again I told her my mouth hurt. She said "Let's have a look." She then proceeded to pry open my mouth and look inside. I asked her if she could see what was wrong and she informed me she needed to take my temperature. She then stuck her finger in my ear and said beep.  I asked her what my temperature said and she replied that it told her my mouth hurt and I needed water. She then bent down and kissed my cheek and said all better. Upon diagnosing my wife she also declared, "No problem to big and no problem to small", before she took off to the next patient.

Your Video Of The Day:


Instead of acting like a little girl, I would have reacted like a Tiger Wood (you see what I did there) and thrown it to the ground, stomped on it, then probably cooked it up for lunch. Yes, I can be that redneck if I so choose to be.

The Day The Music Died:
Sadly because of my throbbing mouth I'm skipping my song review tonight, but I will give you two tomorrow. I will however review the USU marching bands rendition of one more day. They did just fine, but those poor flag girls where way out of sync. Better luck next time. That being said, I'm out.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

What's In A Name?

The Title:
So the title actually has zero to do with anything that will be in this blog. I was simply trying to come up with a title for tonight's blog that would attract attention, because we know a creative title should grab attention. Then the whole Romeo & Juliet quote came into my head and hence the title. Anyway, lets get to it.

Miniature Tornadoes:
So my daughter is quite the destructive force all on her own. It is hard enough to keep the house semi clean with her running around by herself. The last 4 weeks my wife has been babysitting 3 extra kids. They are good kids. However just like most kids, when you put them all together they run crazy!!! We have tried to clean up the house a time or two but it is kind of a pointless exercise.  So this weekend we will be spending our time cleaning the house and hoping it stays that way for at least a week. If you're a parent you know the struggle that is even with just one kid.

Trust Your Gut:
So I've brought up fantasy football a few times before. Well I had a player tonight that I was debating to play or not. I felt like he was going to have a good game, but I decided to sit him tonight because all the experts were down on him. Well surprise surprise he scored 21 points as a running back. Just to put it in perspective, I would have been happy if I had him in and he scored 10. So the moral of the story is to trust your gut. That is unless it tells you to go ahead and jump. Then you may want to seek a second opinion.

What Did Ya Think:
Did you enjoy the video link I left for you? I'm thinking about possibly having a video of the day or at least a video of the week. Guess what though? Even if you didn't like the video, I did. So take that.  On that note, here's another one:


P.S. - This has nothing to do with anything at all in this section, or anywhere for that matter, but it seemed as good a place as any. Please for the love of all that is holy do not, I repeat, do not wear a tank top when your chest hair covers more than the actual tank top does. This is especially important if you are female.

Day 2 Of My Music Reviews:
Genre: BLUES

Recorded in 1967, Born Under A Bad Sign is a staple in the blues music industry and widely regarded as King's best song. Until listening to it all the way through this time, I had only heard parts of it here and there. Mostly from TV shows. It definitely appeals to anyone that is a fan of the blues, but it also has a draw for rock lovers. With the bass playing in harmony with the electric guitar, its hard for anyone that is a fan of well written music to dismiss this song. It is one of those songs where you just turn up the headphones, kick back, and relax. King's voice is smooth and plays perfectly with the low, mellow character of the song. I would recommend to everyone to go give it a listen. If it's not your thing, so be it. I believe even then you won't regret hearing it at least once. Here's a link to it on YouTube:


It Is Decided:
So we learned a few things tonight. First, trust your gut. Second, tank tops and chest hair shouldn't be mixed. Finally third, everyone should have some blues music in their collection. Thanks again for taking the time to read this. If you would all do me a favor and hit that share on Facebook button at the top and spread it around for me I would be very appreciative. Until next time, remember capri pants are effective if you're in a flooded basement.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hippos Are Vicious & Fling Feces. Plus my 31 day challenge.

Ready, Set, Blog:
So here we are again. Thanks for stopping by and taking a read. There's not a lot of light bulbs on in the attic tonight, but the few there are I will turn off. Enjoy.

Yes, Hippos Are Predatory Herbivores:
Hippos kill approximately 2,900 people a year in Africa. In comparison, sharks kill about 15 people a year world wide. So instead of going to bed with nightmares of sharks eating you, you should worry about hippos instead.  The background of this story: we went out to dinner with my brother and sister in  law tonight. Somehow, for some reason I can't remember, we started talking about shark attacks that then changed to the fact that hippos are actually more dangerous.  Then out of nowhere a guy behind us decides to chime in on how dangerous they are. My brother in law and I were just happy that someone else was validating our story so all suspicions of collusion would be put to rest, no matter how awkward it was to randomly chime in on the dangers of hippos.  So my brother in law had a dramatic experience with hippos. No it wasn't an attack, it was watching a hippo do its business. So apparently when a hippo needs to "go", it gets its tail spinning like a fan really fast. It then proceeds to poop with quite an extraordinary force and when it hits the spinning tail of death, it scatters here, there, and everywhere. I guess the sight of that never quite leaves someone. In case you want to scar yourself as well here is a video of it.


Shift - F2:
So today someone at work asked me how to exit a program. The proper sequence is to press shift and the F2 button. So I just said it out loud and apparently that is not what everybody heard.  What everyone heard was shift minus the f.  So what I told everybody that was within ear shot to do was S*@t and say the F word twice.  I imagine in some cases you could use that to get out of some situations, but there are better ways.... in most situations.

31 Day Challenge:
I have been informed that the big thing to do in October for a blog is to pick a subject and write about it all month. Most people pick their subject and only write about it. Well, that would semi defeat the purpose of my blog as it is to clear my head at night. However I do think it would be a good addition to my blog for the month. So I decided I will have a song randomly selected for me and listen to it.  I will do my best to write an unbiased review of it and who I would recommend it to if anyone. 

Song #1:
Artist: LORDE
Song Title: ROYALS

Lorde is the performing & artist name that Ella Yelich-O'Connor, a singer and songwriter from New Zealand, took when she released her first EP. I really enjoyed the song. She has a great voice. Very soothing, yet it gets and keeps your attention throughout. The song is slower and rhythmic through the verse and it picks up the pace as it hits the chorus.  The entire song has an overall groove music feel. It has a deep bass back beat through the whole song. It reminds me of a song you would roll your windows down and drive main street to.  Make what you want of the lyrics. I don't subscribe to trying to tell people what a song means or what it is about. I believe that is one of the major beauties of music, that people get to decide what the song means to them. So if you are looking for a good cruising and chilling song I would recommend at least giving it a listen.  Check it out here on YouTube: 

No Encore:
Just like a concert with no encore, this show is over. Thanks again for checking in and reading. Check in tomorrow for a new song review and whatever random things or thoughts I have going on.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Q & A Time: Fantasy Football

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Dungeons & Dragons For Jocks:
So my first question from a reader is: What is fantasy football and why is it so alluring (well that is the long and short of it anyway)?  Well first lets start with a definition from Wikipedia:
"Fantasy football is an interactive competition in which users compete against each other as general managers of virtual teams built from real players. The players that an individual is able to manage are professional American football players in the National Football League. The different actions people are able to make are drafting, trading, adding or dropping players, and changing rosters. Due to the growth of the Internet, fantasy football has vastly increased in popularity, particularly because fantasy football providers such as ESPN, Yahoo, CBS, and the NFL itself are able to keep track of statistics entirely online, eliminating the need to check box scores and newspapers regularly to keep track of players. Most leagues have a single week championship in week 16 of the NFL season.
So in a nutshell you take turns picking the players who you think will have the best on field performances week in and week out. Yes it is luck of the draw and most of the game is based on luck. So with that in mind we'll look at a few aspects of the game.

So The scoring is pretty standard across most leagues and relatively simple. I'll break it down in the most common sections. I will go over the four major positions that score points plus a few extra.

Quarterbacks (the guy that throws the ball): receives one point for every 25 yards he throws for, meaning every time he throws the ball to a receiver or running back and it adds up to 25 yards he gets a point. For example: If a quarterback completes 4 passes; one for 10 yards, one for 50 yards, one for 15 yards, and one for 25 yards, for a total of 100 yards, he would receive 4 points. Every time a quarterback throws a pass that goes for a touchdown he receives 4 points. 

Running Backs (the guy that runs the ball): This one is very simple. A running back receives one point for every 10 yards he runs or for every ten yards he has from catching a pass. If he scores a touchdown he gets 6 points for every touchdown he scores, whether it is from running the ball or catching the ball.

Wide Receivers & Tight Ends (The guys that run down the field and catch the ball): Just like the running backs these players can receive points from running the ball, 1 point for every 10 yards running, but it is rare that these guys run the ball. The main source of points for these players is from catching the ball thrown to them by the quarterback.  They receive one point for every 10 yards they have catching the ball.  They also get 6 points for scoring a touchdown. 

Kickers & Defenses: Kickers get 1 point for every successful extra point they kick (the kick after a touchdown is scored). They get 3 points for successful field goals (kicks that teams take when they get close to the end zone but can't score a touchdown. These are worth 3 points) between 1 and 30 yards, 4 points for field goals between 31 and 40 yards, and 5 points for field goals of 41 yards or more.  Defenses work on a tiered system based on how many points and how many yards the opposing team gets. They can also score extra points by getting turnovers from the other team and if they score a touchdown as a defense. The amount of points vary by the league set up.

The Allure:
The allure for of fantasy football is very wide.  Avid sports fans and casual watchers alike enjoy playing the game.  One of the main reasons avid sports fans enjoy the game is because they like to try and prove they know more about how the games will turn out, therefore able to pick the best players week in and week out to beat the other teams they are playing.  It also give them a better reason to enjoy the other games that are on TV.  Many like me have one team they enjoy watching, then after that the other games really don't interest you unless they directly effect your team.  Fantasy gives you a reason to enjoy the other games. More than likely you will have at least one player in almost every game that is played that day to cheer for or against.  It makes every game fun to watch. As far as a casual watchers go, one of the main reasons they like it is because they now have something to cheer for. Most casual watchers may have a team but don't really follow more than the final score.  With fantasy football they have an interest in the entire game whether "their team" wins or loses.  Just as it is for the avid sports fan, the casual watcher now can enjoy the games because the have something to watch and cheer for. I have also found in the case of my wife that she is learning more about the game. It helps with the understand of the rules of the game and why teams do certain things in certain situations.  

The Kneel Down:
The kneel down is what an offense does when they have the lead and can run out the clock to end the game, hence this portion is the kneel down because this blog is over. Thanks for reading and sharing. If there is anything I missed that you would like to know or if I've made anything as clear as mud, let me know. Until next time, Keep on truckin'.