Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blame It On The Baby

I Saw That:
My wife's grandma (obviously my grandma now as well) flew into town today from Phoenix. We are having a family get together this Sunday for my sister-in-law's new baby. My wife decided to go out to her mom's house to visit her tonight because that is where she is staying while she is here. My sister-in-law picked her up from the airport and on the way back picked up some Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  I called my wife to see when she was coming home. By the time she called me back she was on her way already. She told me that she was bringing me a doughnut home but she wasn't sure it would make it because our daughter insisted she hold it on the way home. Now normally getting a doughnut wouldn't be a big deal, but the closest Krispy Kreme shop is about a hour away. That being said we don't get to have them very often. Well when my wife pulled into the driveway I went outside to help her bring in the kid. When I walked out the door I caught her taking a bite out of the my doughnut why she was still sitting in the car. When she saw me she hurriedly tried to hide the delicious pastry, but it was to late. The damage had been done. When I got the fried delight into my hands it was already halfway gone. She swears it was the little girl, but I'm not sure I totally believe that. I'm calling for a vote. Post in the comments if you think it was the wife or the two year old.

You Better Not:
When I say you I'm talking to my body. I think I may be coming down with something. Last night I started have stomach pains that lasted all through today and I am still having them. Then today I started getting some nasty headaches. I just thought maybe I ate something that had some sort of personal vendetta against me, but today I found out that some of the people at work had been getting some sort of a stomach bug. I'm just hoping I don't catch it. The last thing I need this weekend is to be laid up sick. I guess I'll take solace in that we have all been in close quarters with everyone at work this week so if its some kind of stomach bug we will all be going down together.

Video Of The Day:
This is why cars are meant to be ridden inside of, not jumped over. Don't try this at home. If you do don't film it. If you do film it, share it with me because I will enjoy watching you fail. But seriously don't attempt this. I won't be help liable.

The End Is At Hand:
Well this is the end for today. Now those of you still reading, and those of you who made it this far in yesterdays blog may remember I said I was going to introduce a new feature. Well I've decided to do a mailbag Friday. It's first appearance until next Friday, but I will start taking emails after this blog is posted. They can be any questions or random thoughts you would like put out there. It can be any question ranging from the practical to the crazy. If you have any random thoughts rolling around you want out there send them in and I'll put them up and expound. Just to the right of this section you will find the contact form. You can leave your name, email, and send me a message. I'm hoping to get at least 3 or 4 emails for next Friday's blog. Hope you've enjoyed tonight's entry. If you have, do me a favor and share. No go forth and find Waldo.

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