I've Been Framed:
Well as I said yesterday I went up to Pocatello today and helped my cousin reframe a wall in his basement and put some sheetrock up. I wasn't to bad, but I was a little off center. It was apparent that I was out of practice. Overall it turned out alright and the best part is that because I didn't do an A+ job maybe I won't be asked again haha.
Late Night At Walmart:
So I had to run an errand to Walmart to pick up something specifically for my wife. I know we've all seen the posts about "The people of Walmart", but it never ceases to amaze me the people you see every time you go. Especially when you go after 10:30 pm. I saw a guy and his mom there tonight. Both were bigger and hairier so they looked of the same gene pool. Then I saw something that has left me scarred for life.... He leaned in and gave her a kiss. Good on them for finding love, but please keep the kissing in private. I know I shouldn't judge, but it was an involuntary gut reaction for me to gag a little.
We're Going To Steal The Moon:
My little girl has discovered Despicable Me and She loves it. I'm completely happy to let her watch it over and over. It is one of my all time favorite animated movies. Vector's squid launcher is the best non lethal villain weapon ever. I dare you to challenge my findings. The only downside to my girl watching this movie is that she wants the kitten finger puppet book. I can't find it anywhere. If any of you can find it let me know.
10-4 Big Buddy Over And Out:
Well the old eyelids are getting heavy so I'm going to close them and pass out. Thanks again for reading my rambling thoughts. Tomorrow we get to see if all my teams have won for the week. Once again please share if you found it even remotely worth your time, or if it was painful to read you can share it just to play a joke on someone and pass on the misery.
Love this Devin! I didn't know you were a blogger