Well it's here. Friday night finally graced us with it's presence. Been an interesting week overall. On Monday I decided I was going to start this blog as a place clear my at the end of the day. Tuesday I did research on what server I was going to use and trying to come up a name for the blog. Wednesday I put it all together and made my first post. Thursday I kept it going by writing two days in a row. Now Friday is here and I'm following through on my goal of writing everyday still. So without further adieu, here's Friday's post.
Machete Kills:
I don't know how many of you have seen the movie trailer for this film, but I am left speechless except for wow. I mean I won't lie, Charlie Sheen as POTUS would be pretty entertaining. Nobody messes with a man who just doesn't care about anything but him self. You ad that in with the fact that as POTUS he would have unlimited resources and potential for destruction. I will admit it would probably end with the collapse society around the world, but it would be a wild ride while it lasted.
Car Problems:
So on a sour note for this week, the radiator on my new car went out yesterday. When I say new car, I mean new to me. I did all this research on this vehicle before we committed to getting it. The few problems reported where about a leak in the transmission that caused it to fail. So as soon as I bought it I took it in and had the transmission flushed and completely checked. I had the timing belt done and a full tune up. Well a red fluid started dripping out from under the hood. I opened it up and it was spilling out of the radiator and the overflow for the radiator. The bad news is that coolant isn't red. So I called our mechanic and he said to drive it straight there. Anyway, upon inspection there was a crack in the radiator that was allowing the transmission fluid to flow into the radiator. the transmission has a higher pressure than the radiator exactly for this reason. That way if there happens to be a crack in the radiator the coolant doesn't leak into the transmission because it will ruin it very quickly. So the conclusion the mechanic and I came to is that the people complaining about the leak causing their transmission to go out must not have caught it very early. The reason we came to that is because takes a few days of driving it like that for the pressure to reduce enough in the transmission for the coolant to back flow to the radiator. So the good news is that I don't have to have the transmission replaced. The bad news is that I do have to replace the radiator. Luckily the bill is only 1/6 of what the transmission would have cost.
Flooded Basement:
With all the rain recently, my cousins basement has been getting flooded. Now as if that isn't bad enough, they actually don't live in their house right now. They are currently living in Texas while finishing school and getting a job down there. So they have renters right now and they said if they didn't fix it within the next week they would move out. So He drove up from Texas on Thursday and has been working on it all of today. I'm going up tomorrow to help him frame up a few new walls and drywall them. I was going tonight after work to help him through the night and tomorrow, but with only one car I had to stay home for the night because the car was needed elsewhere. When I called him earlier today and told him what was going on he was relieved. When he got there it wasn't nearly bad as the tenants were saying it was. So it shouldn't be to bad of a job when I get up there.
Relaxing Weekend:
So other than the stress of the car repair and going to help with my cousins flooded basement, it should be a pretty relaxing weekend. My 49ers won last night and up to the point of me writing this, the USU Aggies are looking like they are going to win tonight as they are up 40-12 with 3 minutes left in the game. The only game left I have to worry about is my fantasy football game. I've already got a pretty good start from my player on that played on Thursday night. Not to mention I'm not to worried since my opponent this week is 1-2 and is my wife. So I'm planning on my teams going 3-0 this week. That all ads up to a relaxing weekend for me. It's final now, The Aggies did win 40-12.
I just wanted to thank everyone who has been checking this out and reading through it. I'm hoping to to get better and make them more interesting everytime. I'm hoping eventually I get to the point where people want to ask questions so we can have some interaction. My wife wants me to start a blog strictly about answering questions and writing about sports rules or situations for those that like sports but don't get every call/rule or understand why a player/team did what they did. If you have any questions related to that feel free to ask away. She says I'm pretty good at breaking it down and explaining it. Until next time, stay classy internet.
I appreciate your blog. It's a fun read and I think you and your wife have a good idea regarding Q & A. I suspect your expertise could extend beyond sports.