Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 2: That equals progress doesn't it?

Well here we are. I've made it to day two and now have as many blogs to match.  I'm calling that a win in my book. Not to much rolling around in this hollow head of mine tonight so I'll just get to it.

Niners Won:
Finally, a good game. Kaepernick played well. It wasn't anything superhuman, but it was consistent and methodical. Frank Gore was awesome in the ground game and the defense finally held up. Now I do realize it was against the Rams, but a win can definitely get the momentum going in the right direction. Hopefully Joe Staley isn't injured to badly. It was a little blood curdling to hear him scream after he got bent backwards.  Good news is he was able to walk off the field and not have to be carted off.

Crying Over Spilled Root beer:
So no matter how many times she is told and how many time outs she is given, my little girl can't seem to grasp the concept that it is not ok to turn her sippy cup upside down and shake it until all the contents  are on the floor. (I'm not sure if that was a run-on sentence or not, but whatever) Anyway, she proceded to empty the entire cup onto the floor and was told that it was naughty and was put in time out. That started a screaming fit that lasted for 20 minutes. Good thing I was distracted by the Niners winning.

Lightbulb Moment Of The Day:
So looking at my local newspaper today I noticed something I have never noticed before. I went back and checked on all the previous papers I still had laying around and there it was on all of them as well.
If you look at the part highlighted in blue, it says: "Missing your paper?" followed by the phone number to call in to report that you haven't got it.  Does this come off a little useless to anyone else? If you're missing your paper you aren't going to have the number published on the paper to report it. I know I know, you could just look at the previous paper. But how many people still have it really? Someones good intention turned pointless I suppose.  Seeing this also reminded me that at a certain fast food place, that features a circus performer as a mascot, has a very similar sign in it drive through.  It says something along the lines of There are picture menus available upon request for those with reading disabilities. Riddle me this, how are they suppose to know they are available if they can't read the sign? Sometimes I just wonder....

I've been thinking about halloween because we have a costume contest at work. I haven't had any brilliant ideas as of yet, but the one that keeps coming back is Bane from the most recent Batman movie. Could be a lot of fun and pretty simple (except for the mask). I welcome any and all ideas. I'm sure someone could give a unique idea.

Turnover On Downs:
Well that wraps it all up for day two. Thanks again for reading through.  Just like last time if you were able to manage through it and if it slightly amused you, please pass it on and share it. Until next time, keep on keepin' on.

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