Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hippos Are Vicious & Fling Feces. Plus my 31 day challenge.

Ready, Set, Blog:
So here we are again. Thanks for stopping by and taking a read. There's not a lot of light bulbs on in the attic tonight, but the few there are I will turn off. Enjoy.

Yes, Hippos Are Predatory Herbivores:
Hippos kill approximately 2,900 people a year in Africa. In comparison, sharks kill about 15 people a year world wide. So instead of going to bed with nightmares of sharks eating you, you should worry about hippos instead.  The background of this story: we went out to dinner with my brother and sister in  law tonight. Somehow, for some reason I can't remember, we started talking about shark attacks that then changed to the fact that hippos are actually more dangerous.  Then out of nowhere a guy behind us decides to chime in on how dangerous they are. My brother in law and I were just happy that someone else was validating our story so all suspicions of collusion would be put to rest, no matter how awkward it was to randomly chime in on the dangers of hippos.  So my brother in law had a dramatic experience with hippos. No it wasn't an attack, it was watching a hippo do its business. So apparently when a hippo needs to "go", it gets its tail spinning like a fan really fast. It then proceeds to poop with quite an extraordinary force and when it hits the spinning tail of death, it scatters here, there, and everywhere. I guess the sight of that never quite leaves someone. In case you want to scar yourself as well here is a video of it.

Shift - F2:
So today someone at work asked me how to exit a program. The proper sequence is to press shift and the F2 button. So I just said it out loud and apparently that is not what everybody heard.  What everyone heard was shift minus the f.  So what I told everybody that was within ear shot to do was S*@t and say the F word twice.  I imagine in some cases you could use that to get out of some situations, but there are better ways.... in most situations.

31 Day Challenge:
I have been informed that the big thing to do in October for a blog is to pick a subject and write about it all month. Most people pick their subject and only write about it. Well, that would semi defeat the purpose of my blog as it is to clear my head at night. However I do think it would be a good addition to my blog for the month. So I decided I will have a song randomly selected for me and listen to it.  I will do my best to write an unbiased review of it and who I would recommend it to if anyone. 

Song #1:
Artist: LORDE
Song Title: ROYALS

Lorde is the performing & artist name that Ella Yelich-O'Connor, a singer and songwriter from New Zealand, took when she released her first EP. I really enjoyed the song. She has a great voice. Very soothing, yet it gets and keeps your attention throughout. The song is slower and rhythmic through the verse and it picks up the pace as it hits the chorus.  The entire song has an overall groove music feel. It has a deep bass back beat through the whole song. It reminds me of a song you would roll your windows down and drive main street to.  Make what you want of the lyrics. I don't subscribe to trying to tell people what a song means or what it is about. I believe that is one of the major beauties of music, that people get to decide what the song means to them. So if you are looking for a good cruising and chilling song I would recommend at least giving it a listen.  Check it out here on YouTube: 

No Encore:
Just like a concert with no encore, this show is over. Thanks again for checking in and reading. Check in tomorrow for a new song review and whatever random things or thoughts I have going on.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up! I like your blog.

    :) Your #2 follower.... I thought I ought to let your wife have the #1 spot.
